From the series Illuminated Moths
As a starting point for the series Illuminated serve the artist moths, which metaphorically fly into the (flame) light and burn. The drawings, which are (actually) burned into the paper, show the insects once as a confused, dancing, tumbling crowd, gathered around a cone of light; at another time they present themselves skewered in rows and columns as if in a showcase system, like an entomological study.
In the first case, a formal deceptive maneuver is concealed: the moths depicted condense away from the center towards the outside and, as it were, create a source of light in the center of the picture precisely through their partial absence, as if in an alternative ending.
Case No. 2 ironically considers the individual role of the unfortunate animals, which now stand as show objects of a completed collection in contradiction to their (involuntarily associated) inglorious fate.