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Flowers Of Kind Nr. 01 – 36

FLOWERS OF KIND is a series of 36 diptych photographs – one normal and one inverted.

Without darkness, nothing comes to birth. As without light, nothing flowers.

– May Sarton
Select a variation of this artwork by clicking on one of the variation images.

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    CP prints on acrylic as diptychs (framed). The beauty of everything lies in the eye of the beholder. For me, decaying flowers are one of the most spectacular sights. To watch this gradual metamorphosis fascinates me deeply. Do you like my art? Then take a look at more of my artworks on my profile page.

    A vanguarda está morta. Eu sou a retaguarda. Eu sou o rei do lixo, o consumidor de meios de comunicação ...

    Ir para a página de artista de Nino Strohecker.